The Twistettes say: “Tory C***s” Are Still Running The World…But Not For Long!

Jo and Nicky D'Arc are The Twistettes
JoD’Arc lets ‘er rip in The Twistettes

This came in over the transom a while back and today it’s released to a waiting world, just in time for the General Election in the UK. The Twistettes are a powerful Scots sister duo [Nicky D’Arc on drums and Jo D’arc on bass/vocals] that take the guitar + drums duo format down to an even more primal level by being a bass and drums duo! And did I mention that the bass is fuzzed out to within an inch of its life?

The sound takes the Riot Grrrl template [and being Scots, adds a few more Rs into it!] and uses the form like a cudgel to attack the many impediments of a just and egalitarian society that, generally speaking, are intrinsic to a Tory government such as the UK has had for 14 years now. We generally shy away from salty vulgarity here at PPM but when your government is an obscenity it’s not time to mince words, and their blistering new single, “Tory C•••s” is hardly a shrinking violet in that regard!

the twistettes - tory cunts
Traffic Cone Records | UK | DL | 2024

It began with six seconds of low-level feedback, and the all hell broke loose as the song exploded on the one with a torrent of primal rancor with the relentless, slamming drums and fuzztone bass making a pile-driver of force out the song as the duo wailed with splenetic rage. It’s the sort of Punk assault capable of knocking the wind out of you. Then the verses spelled everything out for us as Jo D’arc spat them out with a vigor bordering on the maniacal.

C…for corruption
U…no me, me, me, me
N…nazi fascists
Tory c***s! Tory c***s!

“Tory C***s”

Then the piston-pumping music bed dropped out completely for the spoken-word middle eight that saw Jo move from anxiety to fully-blown panic as the feedback from the bass amp slowly grew in power to meet her levels of frenzy as she wailed “1984 is booting down my door…1984 has a battering ram, is a battering raaa-aaaa-aaaaa-aaam!!” As the savage pummeling continued in the climax to the song’s cold ending on a final “it’s a battering ram, it’s a battering ram!” It was 2:34 of paint peeling intensity that was on par with a song like “Fear In The Western World.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The song is currently streaming at the usual places, but the band’s Bandcamp store doesn’t have the studio version of the single that we just reviewed, though it is in the iTunes store, So we might be ahead of digital distro today. Given that you really should be hearing this as soon as possible, here’s the live version that originally appeared on the band’s 2020 live lockdown album, “Live At Capture Works.”

I hope all of the UK readers of this blog will be blasting this one on the way to the polls on …July 4th [ironically, American Independence Day!]. I see that the UK now requires an ID to vote… all the better to depress turnout any way they can…just like many states in America now do. My own state of North Carolina will now require an ID to cast my vote for in our coming election in November. At least the Tories look like they are being set up like ninepins this election. Things are much grimmer over here and in France where repressive forces are on the roll to eliminate that meddlesome democracy any way they can. So don’t neglect to vote your conscience when its your turn.


About postpunkmonk

graphic design | software UI design | remastering vinyl • record collector • satire • non-fiction
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4 Responses to The Twistettes say: “Tory C***s” Are Still Running The World…But Not For Long!

  1. AndyB says:

    Yes the Tories will likely be booted out of power at last. They have helped to increase poverty whilst increase wealth for the rich. Public services have been starved of funding and the NHS is in a mess. There’s back door privatisation. Unfortunately Labour have shifted to the right and seem to be offering more of the same. So depressing!


    • postpunkmonk says:

      AndyB – The situation the world over is depressingly similar. I get so angry to see immigrants demonized and blamed for the problems that the elite cause! If we returned to the post-war tax base this country had (in its time of greatest prosperity, not coincidentally) at the time of my birth, we could welcome valuable immigrants (anyone who wants to leave their home country is not planning on being a drain anywhere – they’ve proven their mettle by the act of migrating and will have no sense of entitlement ) and reap the benefit of their presence with a modest social investment. At least you have a dysfunctional NHS under fire. It’s still got to be better than the global laughingstock of so-called US healthcare. Which is only wealth creation!


  2. AndyB says:

    Monk – I agree with everything you say. Immigrants want to work but they are seen by many as coming over ‘here’ and getting benefits etc for free and being a drain on public services. Of course it’s not immigrants who are to blame for run down public services. Yes although the NHS is facing major problems I am so thankful that I don’t rely on a healthcare system like that of the US. It amazes me that people accept it and continue to vote for parties who want to keep it!!

    Liked by 1 person

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